Received: 16-01-2018
Accepted: 16-04-2018
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Pig Slaughterhouse Hygiene in Lam Dong Province
Slaughterhouse, food hygiene and safety, pigs, Lam Dong
This study aimed to evaluate the situation of hygiene conditions of pig slaughterhouses in Lam Dong province. A total of 24 slaughterhouses from 3 representative districts of the province were chosen for the survey. The awareness of abattoir workers was evaluated using a semi-structured questionnaire. The conditions of food hygiene and safety were assessed through analysis of microbial contamination in the samples collected from the investigated slaughterhouses including surfaces of pork, water, and equipment. Results showed that only a small number of the slaughterhouses were trained on the slaughtering procedure (11.11% and 50.0% of small and medium slaughterhouses, respectively). All the slaughterhouses carried out the slaughter operations on the floor. Most of the abattoir workers showed litte knowledge nor proper practices for hygiene of facilities, their individual hygiene, and the pork. Almost all equipment items were contaminated with the total aerobic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae atunacceptable levels. Coliformswere found exceeding the specified standards in a relatively high proportion of the water samples from both types of slaughterhouses. 90.74% and 88.89% from the small and medium slaughterhouses were contaminated above the standards with the total aerobic bacteria, 66.67% and 72.22% with E. coli, 5.56% and 27.78% with Salmonella, respectively. It is therefore concluded that pig slaughterhouses in Lam Dong province are not yet satisfactory concerning food hygiene and safety and proper solutions should be warranted to improve the present status.
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