Development of Vietgap Aquaculture in Coastal Area of Nam Dinh Province

Received: 02-01-2018

Accepted: 02-02-2018








How to Cite:

Toan, T., & Dung, N. (2024). Development of Vietgap Aquaculture in Coastal Area of Nam Dinh Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(12), 1699–1711.

Development of Vietgap Aquaculture in Coastal Area of Nam Dinh Province

Tran Quoc Toan (*) 1 , Nguyen Mau Dung 2

  • 1 NCS Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển Nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển Nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Aquaculture; VietGAP, coastal area, Nam Dinh province


    This study aimed to investigate the current status of aquaculture under VietGAP standard in the coastal area of Nam Dinh province. We conducted a survey of 240 households and 30 officials in the districts of Giao Thuy, Hai Hau and Nghia Hung and used secondary data bycomparison method, descriptive statistics, SWOT and Logistic Econometric model to assess the status of aquaculture following VietGAP standard. The results showed that, although VietGAP Standards in aquaculture has been deployed in Nam Dinh since 2014, the number of farmers who engaged in VietGap and granted with VietGAP standard certification still accounted for a rather low rate of aquaculture farmers in total. The expansion of VietGAP production scale was quite low and there were few types of economic organizations participating in aquaculture following VietGAP standard. Moreover, some participants have not implemented correctly the content of VietGAP standard. Price and productivity of aquaculture products of VietGAP were higher than ordinary practicesl, but the effect was still low due to higher initial investments. Furthermore, aquaculture under VietGAP standard has faced with a lot of difficulties and be affected by several factors. Thus, in order to develop aquaculture under VietGAP standard in the coastal area in Nam Dinh province, the study proposes solutions such as planning, technology adoption; market development and aquaculture services for VietGAP.


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