Received: 05-05-2017
Accepted: 14-06-2017
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Selection of Endophytic Microorganism from Thionic Fluvisols in Hai Phong
Endophytic microorganisms, IAA, hydrolysis enzyme, solubilizing phosphorus, thionic fluvisols soils
This research describes the result of isolation and selection of endophytic bacteria which is considered useful for plant growth from the Thionic Fluvisols in Kien Thuy district, Hai Phong for applying in agricultural production and environmental protection. The endophytic microorganisms were selected by assessment of IAA production, inorganic phosphorus solubilizing, cellulase and amylase synthesis and pH and temperature adaptability. Of the 120 strains isolated from plant at Thionic Fluvisols region, 8 endophytic bacteria strains were selected including 2 trains belongs to Pseudomonasgenus, 3 strains of Azospirillum, 2 strains of Burkholderiaand 1 strain of Klebsiellawith strong hydrolysis enzymes and phosphorus solubilizing,high ability in plant growth production (IAA), wide pH and temperature adaption. These microorganisms will be promising solutionsfor using and reclamation ofThionic Fluvisols.
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