Received: 11-01-2017
Accepted: 22-03-2017
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Effect of Transplanting Dates and Plant Density on Growth and Grain Yield of Photoperiod Sensitive Rice var. Bao thai lun
Transplanting date, plant density, photoperiod sensitive rice, growth, grain yield
The study was carried to evaluate the effectsof transplanting date and plant density on growth and grain yield of photoperiod sensitive rice varietyBao thai lun in summer season in the Red River Delta. Seeds were sown in nursery on 02/7/2016 but seedlingsweretransplanted on different transplanting dates. The 3x2 factorial experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCB) withthree transplanting dates: T1 (22/07/2016 - seedlingsat 20 days old), T2 (05/08/2016 - seedlingsat 35 days old), and T3 (05/08/2016 - seedlingsat 50 days old) and two plantingdensity: M1 (35 hills m-2), and M2 (45 hills m-2). Results indicated thatthe transplanting dates had a significantinfluenceonplant height, number of tillers, leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter of the photoperiod sensitive rice. With delayed transplanting date, the growth duration slightly increased. Higher plant density led tohigher number of tillers m-2and a greater dry matter whereas the growth duration, plant height and LAI were less affected. Delaying in transplanting reduced the panicles number m-2, percentageof filled grains, 1000 grains weight and grain yield. The number of panicles m-2increased with increasing plant density,while no significant effectonpercentage of filled grains and 1000 grains weightwas recorded.
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