Received: 26-01-2016
Accepted: 06-06-2016
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Estimating Sperm Motility of WaigieuSeaperch(Psammopercawaigiensis) Preservedin Refrigerator throughout the Reproductive Season
Chilled preservation, dilution, gentamycin, sperm, sperm motility, waigieu seaperch
The objectives of this study were to find the optimalsperm dilutionandgentamycin concentration forWaigieu seaperch,Psammoperca waigiensis,chilled sperm preservation throughout the spawning season. The semen werediluted at 1:1, 1:3, 1:5 and1:7 in artificial seminal plasma. Gentamycin was added at concentration of 100, 200 and300 ppm. Semen dilution at1:3and addition of 200ppm gentamycin with sperm collected at the beginning spawning season and the middle spawning season and dilution ratio of 1:5 with300ppm gentamycin with sepermcollected at end spawning seasonyielded highest sperm motility.
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