Received: 03-02-2015
Accepted: 22-07-2015
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Adaptability and Combining Ability of Mo17 and B73 Inbred Lines under Conditionsin Gia Lam, Ha Noi
Adaptatability, combining ability, germplasm improvement, Mo17 and B73 maize inbred lines
The maize inbred lines, Mo17 released by the University of Missouri in 1964 and B73, released by Iowa State University in 1972 have been used in maize improvement programs for over 50 years in the US and other countries. These two maize inbred lines belong to two heterotic groups that are Reid Yellow Dent and the Lancaster. We have evaluated the adaptability and combing ability of the Mo17 and B73 inbred lines in Gia Lam, Ha Noi to improve the domestic maize germplasm. Study results showed that Mo17 adapted well in Spring-Summer season while B73 grew well in early Autumn-Winter season. Mo17 had good general combining ability (GCA) for yield and ear length over B73. Hybrid produced from Mo17 showed heterosis in ear length, while the crosses produced from B73 showed heterosis in ear diamter. Four lines, D1, D3, D6 and D9 with high GCA values can be used in hybrid breeding program. This pointed out that it is possible to maintain and utilize Mo17 and B73 inbred lines to enhance the local maize germplasm and promote maize hybrid breeding in Viet Nam.
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