Solutions for Developing the Distribution of Vegetables through Market and Supermarket System in Ha NoiCity

Received: 24-03-2015

Accepted: 08-08-2015








How to Cite:

Loc, N., & Chung, D. (2024). Solutions for Developing the Distribution of Vegetables through Market and Supermarket System in Ha NoiCity. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(5), 850–858.

Solutions for Developing the Distribution of Vegetables through Market and Supermarket System in Ha NoiCity

Nguyen Thi Tan Loc (*) 1 , Do Kim Chung 2

  • 1 NCS Khoa Kinh tế và PTNT, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Khoa Kinh tế và PTNT, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Market, Ha Noicity, supermarket, vegetable production and distribution


    This study was conducted to understand the current situation of the distribution of vegetables through market and supermarket system in Ha Noi, to analyze factors affecting it and to propose some solutions to develop the production and distribution of vegetables to reduce risks for producers. According to interviews with producers, 82.31% and 4.04% vegetables produced in Ha Noiwere distributed to marketsandsupermarkets, respectively. Households engaged in new-typecooperatives and enterprises supplied 90-95% of their products to supermarkets and canteens, while others in the Agriculture Cooperatives and Agricultural Service Cooperatives sold 90% of their products to markets. The distribution of vegetables through markets and supermarkets is achieved throughtwo mainstream channels in Ha Noi, however, they also have different advantages and disadvantages. The study indicatedthat it is necessary that all these channels exist in Ha Noi. The paper proposes four solution groups: (i) Innovatingplanning, encouraging and establishibglinkages, monitoringand supportingmarketingpromotion; (ii) Supporting the establishment of new-typecooperatives and enhancingthe management capacityfor actors in the production and distribution of vegetablecommodities; (iii) Investingmore infrastructures for the of marketsystem,and (iv) Strengtheningthe provision of information and helpingconsumers in identifying the origin of vegetables and benefits from the consumption of vegetables.


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