Survey on Antibiotics for Porker and Broiler Chicken in Commercial Farm in Bac Giang Province

Received: 14-12-2014

Accepted: 18-05-2015








How to Cite:

Toan, D., & Luu, N. (2024). Survey on Antibiotics for Porker and Broiler Chicken in Commercial Farm in Bac Giang Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(5), 717–722.

Survey on Antibiotics for Porker and Broiler Chicken in Commercial Farm in Bac Giang Province

Duong Thi Toan (*) 1 , Nguyen Van Luu 1

  • 1 Khoa Chăn nuôi thú y, Trường Đại học Nông lâm Bắc Giang
  • Keywords

    Antibiotic, broiler chicken, commercial farm, porker, use


    The current study was conducted at 20 commercial porker and broiler chicken farms in Bac Giang province to evaluate the use of antibiotic in breeding farm and analyze the persistence of antibiotic such as Oxytetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Sulfadiazine, Sulfamethazine, Doxyciline and Tylosine in collected food samples. The results indicated that, the management was not strictly causing unsuitable use of antibiotic for domestic animal in commercial farms; All of things, such as the selection of antibiotic, the dosage of antibiotic in prevention and treatment, the temporal stopping antibiotic before buying and the combination of antibiotic mostly depended on husbandry. More than 17 kinds of antibiotic were used in commercial farms, popular ones were Norfloxacine (60,0%), Tylosine (60,0%), Gentamycine (55,0%), Doxycycline (55,0%), Tiamuline (50,0%), Colistine (45,0%) và Enrofloxacine (40,0%). 50 percent of food sample of porker and broiler chicken were found at least one of antibiotic such as Tylosine (20 - 30%), Sulfadiazine (30 - 40%), Chlortetracycline (20-30%), Doxycycline (0 - 30%) and Sulfamethazine (10 - 20%). However, non of them were over permission critical.


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