Effect of Organic Mulching on Yield and Quality of Mulberry Leaves UnderRain-Fed Condition

Received: 22-01-2015

Accepted: 08-06-2015








How to Cite:

Hanh, N., Tuan, V., & Lan, H. (2024). Effect of Organic Mulching on Yield and Quality of Mulberry Leaves UnderRain-Fed Condition. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(4), 509–516. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/207

Effect of Organic Mulching on Yield and Quality of Mulberry Leaves UnderRain-Fed Condition

Nguyen Hong Hanh (*) 1 , Vu Van Tuan 2 , Hoang Thi Lan 2

  • 1 NCS Khoa Nông học, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Sinh viên Khoa Nông học, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Mulberry, leaf yield, leaf quality, organic mulching materials


    The experiment was conducted in two seasons in 2014 to determine the effects of 4 organic mulching materials: rice straw, rice husk, sawdust, groundnut residue on leaf yield and leaf quality of mulberry (Morus alba L)under rain-fed condition. The field experiment with mulchingwas arranged in randomized complete block designwhileindoor feeding experiment of silkworm determine the quality of leaf mulberry was laid out using completely randomizeddesign with 3 replecations.The results showed thatorganic mulching materials increased growth of mulberry plant, yield and quality of mulberry leaves. Leaf yield inorganic mulching treatments was higher than control (no muching) from 31.5% to 51.8% in spring and from 8.3% to 54.2% in autumnand thecocoon yield increased from 9.2 - 15.2% and 5.1 - 16.8% in spring and autumn, respectively. Among organic materials, groundnut residue had the highest value in the total length of branch per plant, leaf thickness and leaf yield; silkworms were feed mulberry leavesfrom groudnut residue mulching treatment exhibited ncreased vitalityand brought about highercocoon weight in both seasons. The results also indicated that soil moisture content, soil organic matter content were improved by mulching with organic materials.


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