Received: 17-02-2015
Accepted: 17-05-2015
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Factors Influencing Eco-tourism Service Quality at Ba ViNational Park, Ha Noi
Service quality, Ecotourism, Satisfaction, Ba Vi National Park
This study aimed at analyzing factors influencing service quality of ecotourism at the national Park in Ba Vi, Ha Noi. The influencing criteria were measured and tested through the methods of Cronbach alpha coefficient and Exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The primary data were collected in 2014 on 252 tourists. The research results of Ordinal Logit Regression revealed that except “transportation”, six factor groups affecting service quality of ecotourism included eco-landscape, empathy, responsiveness, liasion, management capacity, and safety. Among these, the eco-landscape appeared to be major factor determining eco-tourism quality.
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Nguyễn Tài Phúc. Khảo sát sự hài lòng của du khách đối với hoạt động du lịch sinh thái ở Phong Nha - Kẻ Bàng. Trường đại học Kinh tế - Đại học Huế.
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