Reseach of Payments For Ecosystem Services and Ability to Apply in Viet Nam

Received: 19-05-2013

Accepted: 25-06-2013








How to Cite:

Hung, L. (2024). Reseach of Payments For Ecosystem Services and Ability to Apply in Viet Nam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(3), 337–344.

Reseach of Payments For Ecosystem Services and Ability to Apply in Viet Nam

Le Van Hung (*) 1

  • 1 Cục Bảo tồn đa dạng sinh học, Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường
  • Keywords

    Payment for Ecosystem Services, Payment for forest Envinroment Services, provide service, adjusting service, support services, cultural services, ecosystem


    This paperevaluate policy implementation experience of Payments forecosystemservices (PES) in the World andthe ability to applyinVietnam. Payments for ecosystem services is an economic tool regulating the relationship between service providers and beneficiaries from ecosystem services. Users of service have topay forthe participantsto maintain, protectand developthefunctionofecosystems.Themethodologyhasbeenapplied: methodinherited, gather informationthroughinformationseminars, gatheringdocumentation, analysis method, comparative, survey methodology, interviewing.Resultsofthis studyindicatedtheparticipantstopayforest ecosystemservices(sellers andbuyers), the govermentspecialrolein paying forpublic services(reforestation, mangroves ...) and coordinatingtheactivitiesof thePES. Manylegal documentsstatehasenactedasDecree99/2010/ND-CPand so on . The policies of payment for forest environmental services in 2011, 2012 brought 1,172.4 billion dong in state revenue.These are the initial results opening out development of PES in conserving and sustainably exploiting ecosystems in Viet nam.


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