Effects of Recovery of Agricultural Land to Life, the Jobs of Farmers in Van Lam District, Hung yen Province

Received: 10-01-2013

Accepted: 19-02-2013








How to Cite:

Hanh, N., Tra, N., & Tra, H. (2024). Effects of Recovery of Agricultural Land to Life, the Jobs of Farmers in Van Lam District, Hung yen Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(1), 59–67. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/1614

Effects of Recovery of Agricultural Land to Life, the Jobs of Farmers in Van Lam District, Hung yen Province

Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh (*) 1 , Nguyen Thanh Tra 2 , Ho Thi Lam Tra 3

  • 1 Nghiên cứu sinh, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • 2 Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • 3 Công đoàn Giáo dục Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Income, industrialzones, land recovery, VanLam, working


    The study focused on analyzingthesituationofland recoveryfortheconstructionofindustrialzones; influenceofagriculturalland recoverytoeconomic growthandeconomicrestructuring, laborrestructuring, the employment and income ofthehouseholdswhich are recovered land , thechallengesofland recoveryinthe development process. Research results show thatfrom2000 -2010, VanLamdistrictagriculturalland recoveryof14,260playshouseholds; totalarearecoveryis928.52ha, ofwhichagricultural landis736.50ha. Positiveeconomic structuralshiftin the direction ofincreasingtheproportionofindustryandconstruction(from 31.00% in 2000to74.99% in2010) andreducedtheproportionofagriculture(57.50% in2000toreduceto12.65% in2010). The average incomeper man rosefrom3.82millionin2000to27.2millionin 2010. Creatingmore new jobs, attractingaround25,000employeesto work intheindustrialzones, etc.However, thelossofagriculturallandhas madepartoffarmersunemployed, raisinganumberothersocialactivities, directlyaffectson their lives. Specifically, households with agricultural land recovery rate (> 70%) have high rates of job change (94.17%), thus their income, spiritual and cultural life also increase in comparison with the past. On the actual results of the investigation, there are still some households with income unchanged, a number of households whose income is less than before, focusing mainly on households with land recovery rate is low (<30 %), the mentality of the people is afraid to change careers, which is the main reason, so they try to hang on the remaining agricultural land.


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