Received: 18-06-2014
Accepted: 01-09-2014
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Factors AffectingDecision onChoosing Procedure of PigBreeding for Meat in Thanh Hoa Province
Industrial livestock farming, industry, logit model Thanh Hoa decision
Industrial livestock farming has an important role in the livestock development in general and in pig raising in particularc towards commodity production. There is a large demand for industrial livestock procedure of pig breeding establishments in Thanh Hoa province. However, not all of establishments having demand for industrial livestock methods select industrial livestock farming. This research showedthat the establishments of pig breeding (householdsand farm) in Yen Dinh district representative for plains appliedindustrial livestock farming procedure to greater extent compared to other areasin theprovince.There existalot of factorsthat affect decision making onchoosing industrial livestock farming byhouseholdsand farm, in which the number of years of schooling of the household head, average householdannual income, initial investment, farmland and linkagein pig breeding for meat.
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