Received: 08-08-2014
Accepted: 22-01-2015
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Evaluation of Agronomic Traits and Thermo-sensitive Gene(s) of Some TGMS lines
Two-line hybrid rice has been developing in Vietnam. By 2013, 11 two-line hybrid varieties have been recognized as national varieties. This study aimed to characterize agronomic traits, yield characters and tms genotypes of TGMS lines. In spring season 2013, the TGMS lines showed following performances: 140-163 daysgrowth duration,14-16leaves,62.2-84.6cmin plant height,19.5-25.8 cmin panicle length, short flag leaf, incomplete panicle exsertion, compact architecture, high rateof long filament, long flowering duration (4-10 days),168.8-208.8seed per panicle and, 19.3-26.2 gramin 1000 seed weight. All 16 TGMS lines were genotyped with tms5while 827S line hadboth tms4and tms5 gene.
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