Received: 16-04-2015
Accepted: 07-10-2016
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Combining Ability Evaluation of Waxy Maize Inbred Lines for Eating and Nutrient Characteristics
Waxy maize, inbred lines, combining ability, eatingandnutrientquality
This study was conducted to evaluate the combining ability of thinner pericarp waxy maize inbred on the eating and nutrient quality traitssuchas tenderness,sweetnessandamylose contentthrough diallel cross using method 4 of Griffing. Six waxy maize inbred lines and their crosses were evaluated in a complete block design with 2 replicationswithplot size of14m2andHN88as thehybrid varietycheck. Results showed that six parental lines and the crosses had short growth duration. Thegrain yield of parental linesranged from 24.48 to 29,61 quintal/haandfresh ear yield of the crosses was higher than the check variety. Four waxy maize inbredlines,D1, D2, D5, and D6 had high values for general combining ability on the fresh ear yield,thinner pericarp trait, protein, amylosecontentand other traits. Our results suggest that development of hybrid waxy maize variety for high quality should focus on parentalinbredlines withcombining ability forthequality traits.
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