Received: 20-07-2016
Accepted: 16-09-2016
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Causes of Farmers Who Abandon Star-Apple “Lo Ren” Productionwith Global GAP Standard in Chau Thanh District, Tien Giang Province
Abandonment, cause, Global GAP, Lo Ren star-apple
This study aimedto investigate thesocio-economic status offarm households growing star-apple “Lo Ren”according to Global GAP standard and clarifythe reasons for GAP adoption and abandonment after obtainingGlobal GAP standardcertification. A total of 54 star-apple growers who appliedGAP and 53 independent growers residing in Chau Thanh district of Tien Giang province were selected for primary data collection. Descriptive statitics and T-Test methods were employed to analyze the collected data related to GAP adoption and abandonment. Regardless of the benefits of GAP practices, such as reduced fertilizer and pesticide application and safety for environment, the abandon of GAP star apple growing was attributed to the uncertainty of market and unstable selling prices. Thus, only those farmers with higher education level, better economic condition and highexpectation for higher selling price of GAP-certified product engagedin growing star apple using GAP..
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