Received: 21-12-2015
Accepted: 11-03-2016
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Development of Colorimetric Sensor Using Gold Nanoparticle and Thymine-Single Stranded DNA for Rapid and Selective Detection of Mercury Ions in Water
AuNPs-T-ssDNA complex, gold nanoparticle, mercury ions, T-ssDNA
In this study, we have developeda colorimetric sensor for rapid and selective detection of mercury ions (Hg2 + ) in water by using the gold nanoparticle solution (AuNPs) and thymine-single stranded DNA (T-ssDNA). AuNPs is used as a sensing element based on their unique surface plasmon resonance propertiesand the T-ssDNA isself-assembled on gold nanoparticles to produce the AuNPs-T-ssDNA complex. Single-stranded DNA (T-ssDNA) could enhance the AuNPs against NaNO3-induced aggregation. However, the presence of mercury ions in the complex of AuNPs-T-ssDNA will reduce the stability of AuNPs due to the formation of Hg2 + mediated T-Hg2 + -T base pairs accompanied with the AuNPs color change from red to purple or even to dark blue. As a result, Hg2 + can be detected qualitatively or quantitatively by the naked eye or by UV-vis spectral measurement. The lowest detectable concentration of mercury ions by naked eye and by the UV-vis spectral measurement was 0.06µMand1nM, respectively.
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