Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Analyse Factors affecting the Adoption of Acacia Tissue Culture Derived Planting Materials in Plantation of Forest Households in the Quang Nam Province

Received: 04-05-2023

Accepted: 21-06-2024








How to Cite:

Hoang, T., Khanh, H., Thao, N., & Phong, N. (2024). Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Analyse Factors affecting the Adoption of Acacia Tissue Culture Derived Planting Materials in Plantation of Forest Households in the Quang Nam Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(6), 789–799.

Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Analyse Factors affecting the Adoption of Acacia Tissue Culture Derived Planting Materials in Plantation of Forest Households in the Quang Nam Province

Truong Quang Hoang (*) 1 , Ho Le Phi Khanh 1 , Nguyen Thi Da Thao 1 , Nguyen Thanh Phong 2

  • 1 Trung tâm Phát triển Nông thôn miền Trung Việt Nam, Trường Đại học Nông lâm, Đại học Huế
  • 2 Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Abstract

    This study was based on theory of planned behavior to investigate factors affecting the behavior on adoption of Acacia tissue culture derived planting materials of forest plantation households according to the certification of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) based in Quang Nam province. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique on SmartPLS 4.0 was applied to analyze the data from 171 FSC households in study site of three districts: Tien Phuoc, Hiep Duc, and Bac Tra My. The findings indicated that a minor 15.4% of FSC households applied tissue cultured derived planting materials for their plantation. The majority of FSC households have accessed acacia seedlings from local nurseries and companies in commune and district. Efficiency awareness of tissue culture derived planting material use andknowledge of FSC households on Acacia farmingexertedpositive viewtoward tissue culture derived planting materials. The viewpersonal standards, and perceived behavior control on the use of tissue cuntrure derived planting materials positively influencedthe intention to use in the nextcycle of acacia plantation.


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