Degradation of Hydrocarbon Components by Biofilm-forming Rhizobium sp. DG2 Isolated from Petroleum Storage Tankin Ducgiang, Hanoi

Received: 25-09-2023

Accepted: 05-01-2024








How to Cite:

Cong, L., Mai, T., Mai, C., Lien, D., Dao, T., & Anh, N. (2024). Degradation of Hydrocarbon Components by Biofilm-forming Rhizobium sp. DG2 Isolated from Petroleum Storage Tankin Ducgiang, Hanoi. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(2), 252–260.

Degradation of Hydrocarbon Components by Biofilm-forming Rhizobium sp. DG2 Isolated from Petroleum Storage Tankin Ducgiang, Hanoi

Le Thi Nhi Cong (*) 1 , Tran Thi Mai , Cung Thi Ngoc Mai , Do Thi Lien , Tran Thi Dao , Nguyen Huyen Anh

  • 1 Học viện Khoa học và Công nghệ, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Biodegradation, biofilm, oil pollution, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Rhizobiumsp


    The purpose of this investigation was to select biofilm-forming bacteria which can degrade or transform crude oil components leading to the solution of oil contamination causing by exploitation, transportation and use of oil and oil products. To gain this aim, several approaches such as enrichment to isolate and identify the bacteria that can utilize oil components and form biofilm and to assess oil degradation capacity of biofilm type in comparison with planktonic type of the strains. As results, the biofilm–forming Rhizobium sp. DG2 was isolated from oil contaminated sediment samples taken in petroleum storage in Ducgiang, Hanoi. The biofilm of this strain was capable of degrading 44.8; 76.0, 62.0, 73.0 and 75.0 % of diesel oil, anthracene, naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene, respectively, with the initial concentrations of 4.786 g/L for diesel oil and 200 ppm for the others. In contrast, the plantonik Rhizobium sp. DG2 in free form degraded only 35.4; 65.1; 54.5; 54.6 and 64.2 % of these components. The obtained results suggest the potential of using biofilm-forming bacteria in general and Rhizobium sp. in particular to treat oil pollution.


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