Selecting Strains and Experimental Cultivation of Hymenopellis Radicata(Rooting Shank) on Common Local Source of Substrate in Da Nang City

Received: 03-10-2023

Accepted: 25-12-2023








How to Cite:

Thuy, T., Huyen, V., Duong, V., & Huynh, P. (2024). Selecting Strains and Experimental Cultivation of Hymenopellis Radicata(Rooting Shank) on Common Local Source of Substrate in Da Nang City. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(12), 1592–1600.

Selecting Strains and Experimental Cultivation of Hymenopellis Radicata(Rooting Shank) on Common Local Source of Substrate in Da Nang City

Tran Thi Thu Thuy (*) 1 , Vo Tran Khanh Huyen 1 , Vu Thuy Duong 1 , Pham Chau Huynh 1

  • 1 Trung tâm Công nghệ sinh học Đà Nẵng - Hòa Thọ Tây, Cẩm Lệ, Đà Nẵng
  • Keywords

    Hymenopellis radicata, Rooting Shank, biological efficiency, cadmium


    Rooting shank or black root mushroom, Hymenopellis radicata(Xerula radicata, Oudemansiella radicata),is a wild edible mushroom known for its high nutritional and medicinal value and, thus, significant potential for the food and pharmaceutical industries. The objective of this study was to select Hymenopellis radicatafrom five different sources and compared under controlled growing conditions in Da Nang city, Vietnam. The substrates consisted of 80.0 w% rubber tree sawdust, 10.0 w% rice bran, 9.0 w% cornmeal, and 1.0 w% CaCO3, with 30 bags per experiment, replicated three times. The mushrooms were evaluated for their growth, biological efficiency, and fruiting body quality. Data analysis identified a superior genetic source (designated as M2), which was recommended for cultivation in Da Nang city. Mycelial growth rate on the substrate was 6.26±0,24mm/day, biological efficiency of 12.06±0.38%, total protein content in the fruiting body of 31.2 w% dry weight, lipid content of <1.0 w% dry weight, and absence of E.coliand Salmonella. Notably, Hymenopellis radicataexhibited a high cadmium uptake capacity (~3.7 mg/kg dry weight), surpassing the permissible limit of 0.2 mg/kg according to QCVN 8-2:2011/BYT, while showing no affinity for lead.


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