Real State of Land Capitalization Through Land Allocation and Lease in Hanoi City for 2014-2020

Received: 11-04-2023

Accepted: 24-05-2023








How to Cite:

Hoa, D., Vo, D., & Cuong, T. (2024). Real State of Land Capitalization Through Land Allocation and Lease in Hanoi City for 2014-2020. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(5), 578–586.

Real State of Land Capitalization Through Land Allocation and Lease in Hanoi City for 2014-2020

Dang Xuan Hoa (*) 1 , Dang Hung Vo 2 , Tran Huu Cuong 3

  • 1 Hội Khoa học Đất Việt Nam
  • 2 Hội Trắc địa, Bản đồ và Viễn thám Việt Nam
  • 3 Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Land allocation, landlease, land valuation, land capitalization


    The study analyses the current situation and proposes solutions to improve the efficiency of creating financial capital from land (land capitalization) through land allocation and land lease in Hanoi in the period of 2014-2020. The study applied data collection methods and used Microsoft Excel 2016 to process the data. Land capitalization brought about a significant source of revenue for the local economic and social development budget.For instance, land allocation of718.79haearnedVND 173,317.26 billionwhileannual land lease of2,020.33ha and land lease with one time full payment of 117.98ha earned total value ofVND 34,515.29 billion. However, the of areasfor land allocation or land lease showeda down-ward trend over the years until 2020. Therefore, land capitalization through land allocationandland lease in the future face severaldifficulties due to limited land. In the process of implementation, many mistakes in land valuation, methods of organizing the implementation and violations of land use appeared. The proposed solutions include: Improvingmechanisms, policies and methods of land allocation and land lease; Effective use of land valuation tools to determine land value; Inspectingand monitoringthe implementation.


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