Received: 13-07-2022
Accepted: 02-03-2023
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Special-Use Forest Management and Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study in Ba Be National Park
Ba Be National Park, biodiversity conservation, forest management, special-use forest
Field surveys, in-depth interviews, SWOT analysis, and secondary data analysis were conducted to assess the status of the forest resources and the biodiversity, and the management status and challenges in biodiversity conservation of Ba Be National Park. Special-use forests in the Ba Be National Park are mainly evergreen or semi-deciduous broadleaf forests on rocky mountains with rich flora and fauna. Of the 978 species of vascular plants recorded, 34 are listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book, and 20 are listed in the IUCN Red List. Among 389 animal species listed in Ba Be National Park, there are 3 bird species, 16 mammal species, and 6 reptile species are listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book; 3 bird species, 19 mammal species, and 9 reptile species are listed in the IUCN Red List. However, forest law violations in the Ba Be National Park still take place. On the other hand, forest management and biodiversity conservation in the Ba Be National Park face many difficulties and challenges. Residents' livelihoods in the National Park's core and buffer zones highly rely on biodiversity resources and forest land.
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