Research on Conversion of Isoflavonefrom Glycoside to AglyconeForm DuringSoaking

Received: 19-03-2012

Accepted: 25-05-2012








How to Cite:

Lan, T., Ha, N., Thang, N., & Quyen, N. (2024). Research on Conversion of Isoflavonefrom Glycoside to AglyconeForm DuringSoaking. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(3), 487–493.

Research on Conversion of Isoflavonefrom Glycoside to AglyconeForm DuringSoaking

Truong Huong Lan (*) 1 , Nguyen Thi Viet Ha 1 , Nguyen Manh Thang 2 , Nguyen Van Quyen 3

  • 1 Viện Công nghiệp Thực phẩm, 301 Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
  • 2 Cục An Toàn Vệ sinh Thực phẩm - Bộ Y tế, 138 Giảng Võ, Hà Nội
  • 3 Trường Cao đẳng Hải Dương, đường Nguyễn Thị Duệ, thành phố Hải Dương
  • Keywords

    Aglycone, Glycoside, Isoflavone, Soybean, Soybean


    It has been demonstrated that in human, isoflavone aglycones (daizein, genistein and glycitein) are absorbed faster and in greater amounts than their glycosides. However, most of isoflavones in soybean seed exitsted in glycosylated form. In this study, we investigated conversion of isoflavone from glycoside form to aglycone form during water soaking at different temperatures (20oC to 60oC) in 8 hours. Besides, water absorption rate and changes in the turbidity of the water, which the soybean were soaked in were also observed. Isoflavone glycosides and isoflavone aglycones were determined by HPLC. The results showed that the conversion of isoflavone from glycoside form to aglycone form was highest during soaking in 50oC water and it takes 4h to increase isoflavone aglycones from 6.1 mg/100 g (2.1% of total isoflavone) to 15.4 mg/100 g (5.6% of total isoflavone). In this condition, the water absorption rate of soybean reached 126.5%. Soaked soybeans are potential materials for functional food production.


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