Received: 02-04-2022
Accepted: 05-07-2022
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Selection of Potential Bacterial Strain for Controlling Gummosis Disease in Citrus (Citrus sinensis)
Antagonistic activity, gummosis, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora palmivora, Bacillus siamensis
The research aimed to identify potential biocontrol agents in controlling Phytophthora spp. that causes gummosis disease of citrus (C. sinensis). Out of 38 strains isolated from the soil samples collected from Hoa Binh and Tien Giang provinces, the strain LHB15 showed strong antagonistic activity against P. citrophthora 18PMS and P. palmivora 17PMS. Analysis of morphological characteristics and 16S rRNA sequence, the strain LHB15 was identified as B. siamensis. The optimal condition for the growth of B. siamensis LHB15 was determined in LB at 37C and pH 7. Testing the antagonistic activity against P. citrophthora18PMS in greenhouse conditions showed a strong reduction in the presence of fungi on soil and citrus roots after 45 days of treatment. The study indicated that the B. siamensisLHB15 is a potential strain for controlling gummosis in citrus.
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