Received: 05-08-2021
Accepted: 29-10-2021
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Development of a Handheld Spectrometer for Vegetables in Vietnam
Handheld spectrometer, vegetables, reflectance, nanolambda
The objective of this study was to design and fabricate a handheld optical reflectance device on some common vegetables in Vietnam such as cabbage, lettuce, and bok choy. The handheld device was designed by AutoCAD 2019 software (Autodesk Inc, CA, USA). 3D modeling was performed by Sketchup 2019 (ver. 19.0.685, Trimble Inc, CA, USA). An interface designed by Matlab GUI was used to collect reflectance data from the handheld device. The collected data from the handheld device was compared with the data from a spectrometer of Ocean Optics. Results showed that the shape of the collected data from the handheld device and the spectrometer was similar. However, the collected spectral data of the handheld device were not jet adjusted and applied with pre-processing techniques such as smoothing, removing outliers and errors. Further studies on the effects of pre-processing and spectral calibration methods are needed for improving the accuracy of the handheld device. Additionally, assessments of the similarity and stability of reflectance over the wide range of vegetable leaves are required. The results of the present study provide meaningful design guidance for pesticide residue monitoring for leafy vegetables.
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