Received: 09-10-2013
Accepted: 31-12-2013
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Developing Craft Villages in BacNinhProvincein the New Rural DevelopmentContext
Craft village, new rural development program, Bac Ninh
The purpose of this study wasto discernthe statusandfactors influencing new rural development in the province of Bac Ninh, and thereby to propose policy recommendations for the development of craft villagesin theprovince.Descriptive statistical and comparative methodswereused to analyze secondary and survey data from four representativecraft villages in the study area. The resultsshowedthat productionhouseholdsaccount for the highest number among all production types in study area. Besides, manual production presenteda big constraint in selling craft products in Bac Ninh. The main influencing factors identified wereincomplete/inharmonicdevelopment policiesfor craft village, lack oftrained workers and lack of market information. Increasing trained labors, developingraw materials sourcesandsupporting advanced technology applications can be recommended as key solutions.
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