Efficiency of Organic Fertilizer Integration with Mineral Compounds and Vermicompost Amendments on the Growth and Yield of Rice Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) in Outdoor Conditions

Received: 04-05-2020

Accepted: 25-09-2020








How to Cite:

Hue, N., Thuc, L., Huu, T., & Khuong, N. (2024). Efficiency of Organic Fertilizer Integration with Mineral Compounds and Vermicompost Amendments on the Growth and Yield of Rice Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) in Outdoor Conditions. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(12), 1077–1083. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/753

Efficiency of Organic Fertilizer Integration with Mineral Compounds and Vermicompost Amendments on the Growth and Yield of Rice Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) in Outdoor Conditions

Nguyen Hong Hue (*) 1 , Le Vinh Thuc 2, 3, 1 , Tran Ngoc Huu 1 , Nguyen Quoc Khuong 1

  • 1 Bộ môn Khoa học cây trồng, Khoa Nông nghiệp, Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • 2 Khoa Nông nghiệp và Sinh học Ứng dụng, Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • 3 Crop Science Department, College of Agriculture and Applied Biology, Can ThoUniversity
  • Keywords

    Organic fertilizer plus mineral compounds, outdoor rice straw mushroom, vermicompost, Volvariella volvacea


    The objective of this study was to determine the proper level of organic fertilizer integration with mineral compounds and vermicompost to improve the growth and yield of rice straw mushroom. A completely randomized block experiment was designed in outdoor condition with 8 treatments and 5 replications, each replication as a row length of 1.5m. The treatments included (1) supplement ofHVP 301.B 10g, (2) supplement ofHVP 301.B 20g, (3) supplement ofHVP 301.B: 30g, (4) supplement of vermicompost 10g, (5) supplement of vermicompost 30g, (6) supplement of vermicompost 50g, (7) supplement of vermicompost 70g, (8) no supplement of HVP 301.B and vermicompost. The results showed that rice straw mushroom cultivated in outdoor condition with supplement either organic fertilizer plus mineral compounds as HVP 301.B (10g) or vermicompost (70g) per 1.5m of bed length enhanced the length, width of the first 30 mushroom fruiting bodies (MFB), the number of MFB and mean weight per a MFB as compared to no supplement, therefore, the yields of mushroom on these treatments increased.


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