Reproductive performance of F1(BBB x Sind crossbred) cattle and growth performance of F2(3/4 BBB) calves raised in Ba Vi, Hanoi

Received: 04-03-2020

Accepted: 19-04-2020








How to Cite:

Nguyet, N., Huong, D., & Vinh, N. (2024). Reproductive performance of F1(BBB x Sind crossbred) cattle and growth performance of F2(3/4 BBB) calves raised in Ba Vi, Hanoi. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(3), 188–193.

Reproductive performance of F1(BBB x Sind crossbred) cattle and growth performance of F2(3/4 BBB) calves raised in Ba Vi, Hanoi

Nguyen Thi Nguyet (*) 1 , Duong Thu Huong 1 , Nguyen Thi Vinh 1, 2

  • 1 Khoa Chăn nuôi, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Faculty of Animal Science, Vietnam National Univeristy of Agriculture
  • Keywords

    reproductive performance, growth performance, F1(BBB ×Sind crossbred), F2[BBB ×F1(BBB ×Sind crossbred)


    This study was conducted to exam the reproductive performance of crossbred beef cattle F1(BBB ×Sind crossbred) and growth performance of the offspring raised in Ba Vi, Hanoi. 20 F1(BBB ×Sind crossbred) and 20 F2 [BBB ×F1(BBB ×Sind crossbred) including 10 males and 10 females from birth to 6 months of age were used. The results indicated that the reproductive performance of crossbred beef cattle F1(BBB ×Sind crossbred) was relatively good. The age at the first puberty, at first breeding and first calving was 425.6, 451.85 and 759,8days, respectively. The calving interval and interval from calving to the first service was 372.2 and 82.3 days, respectively. The calving rate was 98.03%. The conception ratio was 1.35. The offspring from F1(BBB ×Sind crossbred) and BBB breed had good growth performance. Bodyweight at birth, 4 and 6 months of age was 30.55, 144.05 and 202.55kg, respectively. The average daily gain at the period of birth to 4 months, 2-4 months and 4-6 months were 941.67, 950 and 975 g/head/day. Therefore, it is possible to use crossbred beef cattle (BBB ×Sind crossbred) as a basis for further increasing BBB blood to produce a next crossbred with better performance and meat quality.


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