Assessing Eutrophic Status and Environmental Factor Regulating Green Algae Community in Tri An Reservoir

Received: 24-07-2019

Accepted: 24-10-2019








How to Cite:

Yen, T., Luom, L., & Luu, P. (2024). Assessing Eutrophic Status and Environmental Factor Regulating Green Algae Community in Tri An Reservoir. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(8), 645–654.

Assessing Eutrophic Status and Environmental Factor Regulating Green Algae Community in Tri An Reservoir

Tran Thi Hoang Yen (*) 1 , Le Thi Luom 2 , Pham Thanh Luu 3

  • 1 Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam (VAST), Viện Sinh học nhiệt đới
  • 2 Trung tâm kỹ thuật Tài nguyên và Môi trường Đồng Nai
  • 3 Học viện Khoa học và Công nghệ, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam (VAST), Viện Sinh học nhiệt đới
  • Keywords

    Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), green algae, Tri An reservoir, the trophic state index (TSI), trophic status


    This study aimed to describe the eutrophication status and investigate the main environmental variables driving on the structure of the green algae communities in Tri An reservoir. Samples were monthly collected at 6 stations from March 2016 to February 2017. Eutrophication status was assessed by using the Trophic State Index (TSI). The correlation between green algae communities and environmental parameters was determined by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). A total of 98 species classified into 31 genera, 16 families, 6 orders, 4 phylawere recorded with a clear dominance of Staurastrumand Scenedesmus. Results of TSI index indicated that water quality in Tri An reservoir was classified as eutrophic to hypertrophic states. The CCA analysis showed that the green algae community was influenced by multivariate factors such as NO3-, PO43-, total P, total N, DO and turbidity. The TSI indexreflected well for eutrophic condition and could be used as a potential application for bio-monitoring of surface water.


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