Received: 26-07-2019
Accepted: 26-09-2019
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Genetic Parameters and Body Weight of the HY1 Sea Duck Line after TwoGenerations of Selection
Dai Xuyen Sea duck-15, HY1 male line, heritability, growth function
On the basis of Dai Xuyen- 15Sea Duckherd, a selection towards increasing body weight to create HY1 male duck line was emplyedfor 2 generations. The purpose of the present studywasto evaluate some genetic parameters and body weight of HY1 male duck line. A total of 882 female and 176 male ducks were used at oneday of age in the starting generation.Fiftyfamilies were chosen for breedingeach generation. The genetic parameters and breeding valueswereestimated by VCE6 and PEST softwaresandthe growth curveswere fittedby Statgraphics software. Both males and females in generations 1 and 2 were selected based on the breeding valuefor body weight at 7 weeks of age. The results showed that: heritabilities forbody weight ofDai Xuyen - 15Sea Ducks at 1 day of age, and at 4 and 7 weeks of age were 0.36-0.41; 0.19-0.20 and 0.16-0.26, respectively. After 2 selective generations, the body weight at 7 weeks of age of HY1 line reached 2553.37gfor male and 2609.72 gfor female, higher than the startinggeneration(185 and 172 g/individual, respectively) equivalent to 8 and 7%, respectively. Growth analysis indicated thatthrough selective generations, males and females had faster growth rates, due to shorter earlier lagginggrowth phase and the higher weight body at the end of thephase. After 2 selective generations,the body weightandbodygrowth of HY1 line were improved markedly.
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