Gross and Microscopic Morphology of Salt Glands in Sea Duck 15 Dai Xuyen

Received: 11-06-2018

Accepted: 11-03-2019








How to Cite:

Anh, V., Duy, N., Tieu, H., Phuong, N., & Tiep, N. (2024). Gross and Microscopic Morphology of Salt Glands in Sea Duck 15 Dai Xuyen. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(12), 1059–1067.

Gross and Microscopic Morphology of Salt Glands in Sea Duck 15 Dai Xuyen

Vuong Lan Anh (*) 1 , Nguyen Van Duy 1 , Hoang Van Tieu 2 , Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong 3 , Nguyen Ba Tiep 4, 5

  • 1 Trung tâm nghiên cứu vịt Đại Xuyên
  • 2 Hiệp hội chăn nuôi gia cầm Việt Nam
  • 3 Khoa Thú y,Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 4 Khoa Thú y, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 5 Học viên cao học, Khoa Thú y,Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    adaptation, gross morphology, microscopic structure, salt gland, seaduck


    Gross and histological structures of the salt glands of the sea duck 15 (VB15) and the F1(VB15 x mallards) ducklingswere investigated in this study. The ducks hadbilateral crescent salt glands under the skin in the supraorbital depression of the frontal bone. The measurements of the gland length, width and weight showed that the gland development wasfaster from post-hatching to 6 weeks of age. There were no differences of the three values among three duck groups raised in fresh water. The salt glandsof VB15 raised in sea water had higher weight than that of the counterparts in fresh water. The glands of VB15 consistedof concentric polygonal lobes arranged in rows and separated by interlobular connective tissuesthat contain vasculature system. Each lobe hadbranched striated secretory tubules lining with single layer of cuboidal cells. Connective tissue was underneath the cuboidal cellepithelia. Thebranchedductsopenedinto the central canal that drain in a main duct leads to the anterior of the nasal cavity. This is the first study on salt glands of Vietnam marine animals, especially of VB15breedand can be considered as the basisfor further studies on age-dependent functions of the salt glands and theoptimal age of VB15 for shifting from fresh water to salty water as well as appropriate salinity for VB15.


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