Received: 21-11-2016
Accepted: 20-05-2017
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Soil Nutrient Supply and Nutrient Uptake of Maize (Zea MaysL.) under Deposited and Undeposited Alluvial Soil Condition in The Mekong Delta
Omission technique, maize hybrids, NPKCaMg uptake, deposited and undeposited alluvial soil, and on-farm research
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the capacity of indigenous N, P, K, Ca, Mg supply and to compare the nutrients uptake of maize in conditions of deposited and undeposited alluvial soils. The on-farm research was conducted on 10 farmers′ fields on each soil series. The experiment consisted of the following treatments (i) fully fertilized plot (NPKCaMg); (ii) nitrogen omission plot; (iii) phosphorus omission plot; (iv) potassium omission plot; (v) calcium omission plot; (vi) magnesium omission plot and (vii) farmers’ fertilization practice (FFP). Results showed that the deposited alluvial soil supplied higher amount of nitrogen and magnesium than undeposited alluvial soil. The amount of N, P, K, Ca and Mg (kg N, P2O5, K2O, CaO, MgO ha-1) provided 84, 112, 152, 30, 75 kg ha-1 under deposited alluvial soil and 68, 116, 158, 46, 45 kg ha-1 under undeposited alluvial soil. Without application of individual N, P, K, Ca and Mg element correspodingly reduced N, P, K, Ca, Mg removal on both soil types. The N and MgO uptake by maize on deposited alluvial soil was higher than that of on undeposited alluvial soil.
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