Received: 25-01-2016
Accepted: 06-06-2016
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Acute Toxicity Testing of PyrethroidPesticide to Freshwater Snail (Angulyagrapolyzonata)
Acute toxicity testing, Angulyagra polyzonata, EC, LC, pyrethroid
Pyrethroid pesticide toxicity testing onfreshwater snail (Angulyagra polyzonata)wasdone in laboratory scale by artificial exposure to Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin for96 hours period. The results showedthat Angulyagra polyzonatawas more sensitive toDeltamethrin than Cypermethrin.The recovery of freshwater snails was descending whenexposed to pyrethroids for 48 hours and then released into water within 48 hours. Bioaccumulation fator (BCF) with Cypermethrin was0.88and26.29 with exposure time of one day and one month, respectively.
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