Isolation and Characteristics of Some Bacterial Endophytes from Root of Aloe Vera

Received: 12-11-2015

Accepted: 29-05-2016








How to Cite:

Giang, N., Dao, T., & An, T. (2024). Isolation and Characteristics of Some Bacterial Endophytes from Root of Aloe Vera. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(5), 772–778.

Isolation and Characteristics of Some Bacterial Endophytes from Root of Aloe Vera

Nguyen Van Giang (*) 1 , Tran Thi Dao 1 , Trinh Thi Thuy An 1

  • 1 Khoa Công nghệ sinh học, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Antagonism, endophytic bacteria, IAA


    Plants interact closely with microorganisms, especially endophytic bacteria. Many researches showed that endophytic bacteria have positive effect on plant growth and render plants resistance against phytopathogens. Bacterial endophytes have been isolated from different plants, including agricultural crops and wild plants. In this study, 14 bacterial isolates from roots of Aloe vera collected from three different areas in Vietnam were isolated on NA medium. Among them, two isolates, designated as TB2 and TQ5 showed high activity against pathogenic soft rot, Erwinia carotovora. Especially, TQ5 isolate showed resistance against both Burkholderia glumae and Erwinia carotovora, which are two serious plant pathogenic bacteria. The other two isolates, PT11 and TQ3 exhibited phosphate solubilizing capability and IAA producing activity. The optimum temperature and pH for IAA production of these isolates were 35oC and 6.0, respectively.


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