Biological Characteriticsand Treatments ofLeech (Piscicolasp.) Parasitized onTurtle (Heosemysannandalii)

Received: 12-01-2016

Accepted: 29-04-2016








How to Cite:

Van, K., Luong, V., & Trang, T. (2024). Biological Characteriticsand Treatments ofLeech (Piscicolasp.) Parasitized onTurtle (Heosemysannandalii). Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(5), 707–713.

Biological Characteriticsand Treatments ofLeech (Piscicolasp.) Parasitized onTurtle (Heosemysannandalii)

Kim Van Van (*) 1 , Vu Van Luong 1 , Trinh Thi Trang 1

  • 1 Khoa Thủy sản, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Leech, Piscicolasp., turtleHeosemys annandalii


    Piscicolasp.causinglesions on soft skin tissues wasfirstly detectedon the turtles Heosemys annandaliiin Vietnam.The present research was conducted to investigate leech infection on fourdifferent kinds of turtlesand todetermine some biological features of the species and efficiency of CuSO4 and Ca(OH)2 treatment. The result showed that Piscicolasp. only parasitizeson the turtle Heosemys annandalii with high density (67.7 ± 3.9 leechs/turtle). The leech hasalength between 11.4-25.5 mm on averageandcylindrical shape with twosuction heads. The maturation time of the eggs from being laid was 5.8 ± 0.3 days with hatching percentage 81.5 ± 9.3% at26-27°C condition.Immersion in lime Ca(OH)2at 75ppt and copper sulfate CuSO4at 10-15ppm cancompletelykill theleeches on turtles. However, CuSO4showedthe highest efficiency due to no negative influence on turtle health.


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