Factors Affecting Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Safe Vegetables: A Case Study in Gia Lam and Long Bien District, Ha Noi City

Received: 30-07-2014

Accepted: 22-07-2015








How to Cite:

Hanh, D., Mai, D., Nam, T., & Tuynh, N. (2024). Factors Affecting Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Safe Vegetables: A Case Study in Gia Lam and Long Bien District, Ha Noi City. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(5), 225. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/225

Factors Affecting Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Safe Vegetables: A Case Study in Gia Lam and Long Bien District, Ha Noi City

Do Thi My Hanh (*) 1 , Do Thi Tuyet Mai 1 , Tran Trong Nam 1 , Nguyen Trong Tuynh 1

  • 1 Khoa Kế toán và Quản trị kinh doanh,Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Consumer behavior, safe vegetables; willingness to pay


    This study was conducted to determine the level of awareness, behavior and the factors influencing the willingness to pay for the safe vegetables (SV). Data were collected from 132 households in two districts of Gia Lam and Long Bien through structured questionnaires. Results of the study indicatedthat up to 67,4% of surveyed households have bought SV, however, therate of SV used in everyday meals was only about 15-35%. Currently, high prices and incredible quality are the main factors hindering buying decisions of consumers. 65,9% of respondents do not believe in the current SV stores. At the same time, the consumers’ understanding level of the SV and ability to distinguish SV and the conventional vegetables is limited. In addition, up to 93.2% of the respondents are willing to pay more if the vegetable is truly safe, however, the level of payment is less than 20%. Result analysis of logit regression model also pointed out that the level of willingness to pay of consumers depends on the age factor, experience inpurchasingSV, understanding the SV concept, the awareness of the SV’ benefits and price sensitivityof consumers.


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