Received: 05-02-2015
Accepted: 21-04-2015
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NewSelectionsofTwo-Line Hybrid Rice
Two-line hybridrice, quality, short growth duration, yield
An experiment was carried out to compare two-line hybrid rice combinations in 2014 Spring and Summerseason in Viet NamNational University of Agriculture, GiaLam district, Ha Noi. The results showed that the hybrids were early maturing, ranging from 123-132 days in Spring season and 98-105 days in Summer season. Theirplant height rangedfrom 108.6 to 122.2cm and the hybrids were resistantto diseases and insects, such baterial leaf blight andbrown plant hopper. They hadyield ranging from 5.9-7.7 tons/hectare in Spring season and 5.4-6.7 tons/hectare in Summer seasonwithgood grain quality and slender grain. Based on yield and quality two hybrid combinations, viz. E15S/R29 và E13S/R2 were selected for recommendation as potentialtwo-line hybrid rice in Viet Nam.
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