Received: 05-08-2013
Accepted: 23-10-2013
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Comparison of Benthic Diatom in Sediment of Different Forest Habitats in Two Seasons at Cu Lao Dung Mangrove Forest, Soc Trang Province, Vietnam
Benthic diatoms, diversity index, mangrove forest, Cu Lao Dung, Vietnam
Diatoms are the important primary creature of the food chains in aquatic ecosystem. High diversity of diatom species is an essential element to increase biomass productivity of the food chain in aquatic ecosystem. High number of species and diatom valves help to stabilize the sediment overtime. This study aimed to compare diversity of benthic diatoms in sediment at Cu Lao Dung mangrove forest between four forest habitats and two seasons (dry and rainy) by using Margalef’s species richnessindex, Shannon-Weiner index, Simpson index, Pielou’s evenness and Rarefaction index. Results showed that not only diatom valve density but also diversity indices were significantly differentbetween four habitats and two seasons. The Margalef's species richness index and the Shannon-Weiner index were significantlydifferent between both habitats and two seasons whilethe Simpson index and Rarefaction index were only significantlydifferentbetween habitatsandPielou's evenness differed significantly just between two seasons. Diversity indices of the habitat of Sonneratia spp. forest and the mixed habitat of Sonneratiaspp. and Nypa fruticansforests were higher than those of the mud and the mud-seedling.
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