Determination of Apparent Digestibility of Some Protein Feed Ingredients for Rabbit Fish (Siganus guttatus Bloch, 1787)

Received: 04-09-2013

Accepted: 11-11-2013








How to Cite:

Tram, N., & Ngoan, L. (2024). Determination of Apparent Digestibility of Some Protein Feed Ingredients for Rabbit Fish (Siganus guttatus Bloch, 1787). Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(7), 987–995.

Determination of Apparent Digestibility of Some Protein Feed Ingredients for Rabbit Fish (Siganus guttatus Bloch, 1787)

Nguyen Duy Quynh Tram (*) 1 , Le Duc Ngoan 2

  • 1 Khoa Thuỷ sản, Trường Đại học Nông Lâm - Đại học Huế
  • 2 Khoa Chăn nuôi Thú y, Trường Đại học Nông Lâm Huế
  • Keywords

    Apparent digestibility, essential amino acids, local protein sources, rabbit fish


    This study was undertaken to determine apparent digestibility of four protein feed ingredients (full fat soybean meal, shrimp by-product meal, soya cake meal and peanut cake meal) for rabbit fish. Five groups of rabbit fish were set up in glass tanks according to Latin square design (5 treatments x 5 replications). They werefed with test diets and reference dietwhichcontained 0.5% chromic oxide as an inert marker. Results showed that, apparent digestibility of rabbit fish in terms ofnutrients, energy and essential amino acids was significantlydifferent among treatments (P <0.05). The apparent digestibility of crude protein, crude lipid and crude fiber infull fat soybean meal was significantly higher than that of other tested ingredients (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in apparent digestibility of essential amino acids between full fat soybean meal and peanut cake meal (P>0.05) but significantly higher than that on shrimp by-product meal (P<0.05). Results from this study indicated that it is possible to use those high protein ingredients as substitute forfish mealin rabbit fish farming.


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