Received: 15-04-2013
Accepted: 18-06-2013
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In vitro Propagation of Morinda officinalisHow
BA, in vitro, Kinetin, Morinda officianalisHow, propagation
Thestudy was conducted to establish the procedure for in vitropropagation of Morinda officianalisHow using stem segments. The stem segments were initiate cultured on MS medium containing 0,25 mg/l Kinetinand 1,0 mg/l BA, on which 96,6 % of explants induced shoots after 30 days of culture. The highest shoot multiplication rate (10,13 times) was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 3,0 mg/l BA; 0,2 mg/l IBA and 10,0 mg/l Riboflavin after 45 days of culture. Root induction medium was ½ MS containing 0,2 mg/l IBA and 0,4 g/l activated charcoal.The average rooting frequency was 100 % with a mean of 3.5 roots/shoot within 30 days. In vitroplantlets after 35-days period of rooting were the most appropriateforsuccessfulacclimatization in greenhouse. The highest frequency of acclimatized plantletswas 96,2 %inthe organic substrate containing 50 % of coconut fiber and 50 % of mushroom-production waste materials, the plantlets showed good growth and development.
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