Received: 18-08-2014
Accepted: 19-01-2015
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Study on Agricultural Land UseTypestowardsTourist Development in Dien Bien District
Dien Bien district is located in the northwestof moutainous area in Viet Namwhereprestigenatural,social and historical conditions existfor development of historical, culture and ecological tourism. Agricultural land use plays animportant role to support for development of tourismin the area in terms oflocal food supplywith specialtyproducts. In addition, appropriate land use enablesto create beautiful landscape and enhance traditional culture of Dien Bien area such as terraced fields, paddy fieldsin Muong Thanh valley, local fruitorchards, and gardens of vegetable, Bauhinia variegataandpeach flower and medical herbsto attact tourists. Four and 10 land use types of tourist potential were suggested for valley and slope land, respectively.
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