Community Consultation in Compensation Support and Resettlement when the State Recovers Land in Luong Son District, Hoa Binh Province

Received: 07-07-2014

Accepted: 15-08-2014








How to Cite:

Khuy, N., Bong, N., & Tam, D. (2024). Community Consultation in Compensation Support and Resettlement when the State Recovers Land in Luong Son District, Hoa Binh Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12(5), 727–733.

Community Consultation in Compensation Support and Resettlement when the State Recovers Land in Luong Son District, Hoa Binh Province

Nguyen Thi Khuy (*) 1 , Nguyen Dinh Bong 2 , Do Thi Tam 3

  • 1 Nghiên cứu sinh, Khoa Quản lý đất đai, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Hội Khoa học Đất Việt Nam
  • 3 Khoa Quản lý đất đai, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Community, consultation, compensation, resettlement and resettlement supporting


    From 2010 to 2013, the district has 97 projects for building infrastructure and industrial development with 15.932.530,10 square meters acquired land and total amount of 65,971,266,288 vietnam dong for compensation. For now, 50 projects have completed but also are 47 projects have still not finished for land clearance. The results showed that community consultation has important implications to investment projectsto ensure progress, time saving, cost reduction, claims and complaints reduction. With total 15 content for surveying, the result of study showed that: 5 content in very good level reached 33.3%; 2 contentin good level reached about 13.3%; 3 contentin acceptable level reached 20,0%; 4 content in not acceptable level reached 26.7%; 1 indicator is not measurable reached 6.7%. Conclusion, For the content of public community consultation of implementation of compensation, resettlement and resettlement supporting when the State recovers land with consent rate is 66.67% of the population (10/15), no consensus is 33.33% (5/15).


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