ThreeFish Species of TheGenus SilurusLinnaeus, 1758, (Siluridae, Siluriformes) Newly Discovered in Northern Vietnam

Received: 10-09-2014

Accepted: 29-11-2014








How to Cite:

Hao, N., Nguyen, V., & Phuong, N. (2024). ThreeFish Species of TheGenus SilurusLinnaeus, 1758, (Siluridae, Siluriformes) Newly Discovered in Northern Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(1), 65–74.

ThreeFish Species of TheGenus SilurusLinnaeus, 1758, (Siluridae, Siluriformes) Newly Discovered in Northern Vietnam

Nguyen Van Hao (*) 1 , Vu Thi Hong Nguyen 1 , Nguyen Thi Dieu Phuong 2

  • 1 Viện Nghiên cứu Nuôi trồng Thuỷ sản 1
  • 2 Viện Nghiên cứu Nuôi trồng Thủy sản I
  • Abstract

    Catfish genus SilurusLinneaus, 1758 (family Siluridae, oderSiluriformes) in Vietnam hasbeen identified with2 speciese, i.e.S. asotusLinneaus, 1758 distributed in provinces in Northen Vietnam, Southern China and Northen Laos andS. meridionalisChen, 1977, distributed in Ky Cung river in Lang Son province, Southern China (Guangdong, Guangxii, Sichuan & Hubei provinces). Threenew species were discovered recently S. caobangensissp.n. collected fromBang river,Cao Bang province;S. langsonensissp. n. collected fromKy Cung river,Lang Son province in 2009-2010;and S. dakrongensissp. n collected fromDakrong river,Quang Tri province in 2012-2013.. This article provided description ofthese new specieswith theirscientific names,specific differencesin the genus and establishment ofidentificationkeysto species.


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