Received: 08-09-2016
Accepted: 20-12-2016
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Preliminary Environmental Risks Assessment OF Caused by Pesticide S Residues AL POIN Tin Nam Linh Commune, Nam Dan District, Nghe An Province
Environmental risk, pesticide persistencet, Nam Linh - Nam Dan - Nghe An
Residual point in 4 villageThe pesticide store in,Nam Linh commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province, which was putting in usedue to the impact of pesticide warehouses was usedfrom during the period 1968 to 1978, has undergone several major disturbancesby war and human activities. At present, the Ppesticidesleftover was mainlycurrently exists –DDT as a consequence is weak due to processof landfill after 1978. The study was conducted to assess the environmental risks of the pesticide residuesalpoint by methods recommended by Vietnam Environment Administration (MONRE) and US EPA.for residual pesticides.The results showed that the area of landunder floorarearemaining warehouse platformof the store contained highDDT(totals) withconcentrations(up to2973 mg/kgsoil), (over hundreds times higher than NTR 54: 2013/MONREstandard). From the original point DDT from the formerly landfill was spread horizontally and vertically transported but not more than 7m in depth. DDT intruded, inroadsinto surface water of ponds in the vicinity (28.175mg/l)and enteredin the near pond), inplants (0.607 mg/kg banana stembody) butthere wasno signs of DDT contamination in the groundwater. The risks of chemicalsexposure of the pesticideslandfill, heavily polluted land, and polluted surface water presentarethe immediate risk of serious impactthat,need to be controlled. Other effects caused by exposure of to polluted sediment, groundwater,and DDT- contaminatedfoodshave lower values Ddare of lower riskTbut negative effects of plant pesticides alsoshould take into considerationbe controlled.
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