Received: 21-07-2016
Accepted: 20-12-2016
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Potential Assessment of Biodiversity Potential and Forest Environmental Services for Payment Environmental Services Paymentin Ba Be District, Bac Kan Province
Ba Bedistrict, biodiversity, forest environmental services, forest ecosystem
This study was carried out to assess biodiversity and environmental services for inplementing payment environmental servicespaymentof Ba Bedistrict, Bac Kanprovince. Keyinformant and household interviewds were two main methods whichwere used to collect information. Results showed that the fauna and flora of Ba Beweare diverseifiedwith many species belonging to the listed in the rRed bBook of Vietnam and of the world. In additon, Ba Behas two main forest ecosystems which distributed in different terrains. As a result, forest of Ba Beproduceddiversified environmental services with high value. However, forest and biodiversity conservation activities of Ba Bedistrict did werenot encouragedpromotebecause the environmental services were exploited and implementedusedineffectively. Hence, in the next time Ba Bedistrict should implement forest and diversity conservations more effectively for maintaning environmental services supply ability of forest ecosystems and promotingeto implement payments for environmental services programs to protect forest resource and improve income for local people.
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