Enhancing NPK Uptake and Economic Efficiency of Hybrid Maize by Site-Specific Nutrient Management on Undeposited Alluvial Soil in An Phu, An Giang

Received: 07-12-2015

Accepted: 20-11-2016








How to Cite:

Khuong, N., Huu, T., Toan, L., & Hung, N. (2024). Enhancing NPK Uptake and Economic Efficiency of Hybrid Maize by Site-Specific Nutrient Management on Undeposited Alluvial Soil in An Phu, An Giang. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(11), 1764–1772. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/1489

Enhancing NPK Uptake and Economic Efficiency of Hybrid Maize by Site-Specific Nutrient Management on Undeposited Alluvial Soil in An Phu, An Giang

Nguyen Quoc Khuong (*) 1, 2, 3, 4 , Tran Ngoc Huu 3 , Le Phuoc Toan 3 , Ngo Ngoc Hung 3

  • 1 Trường Đại học An Giang,Trường Đại học Quốc gia thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
  • 2 Khoa Nông nghiệp và Sinh học ứng dụng, Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • 3 Khoa Nông nghiệp và Sinh học Ứng dụng, Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • 4 Khoa Nông nghiệp và Sinh học, Trường đại
  • Keywords

    Maize, NPK uptake, site-specific nutrient management, net benefit, An Phu, An Giang


    The objectives of this study were to determine (i) the efficiency of NPK fertilizers application by site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) on NPK uptake and (ii) the economic efficiency of SSNM for maize on undeposited alluvial soil. The on-farm research was conducted in a completely randomized block design with three farmers’ fields, with three replications in 2014 - 2015 dry season in An Phu - An Giang. The treatments included (i) SSNM (200 N - 90 P2O5 - 80 K2O), (ii) bio-organic fertilizer incoporation with NPK fertilizers application - BOF + NPK (bio-organic fertilizer contains 15% organic matter; the concentration of N - P2O5 - K2O is 1,0 - 1,0 - 1,0 (%), respectively). The density of nitrogen-fixing and phosphorus-solibilizing was 1 x 106 CFU per gram and chemical NPK fertilizers of 138 N - 63 P2O5 - 56 K2O), and (iii) farmers’ practice - FP (236 N - 126 P2O5 - 46 K2O). The results showed that, compared to FP, the SSNM application gave better grain yield, NPK uptake as well as higher net benefit.


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