Application of RT-PCRfor Detection of InfectiousbronchitisDisease in Laying Hens in Some Northern Provinces of Vietnam

Received: 23-03-2016

Accepted: 20-09-2016








How to Cite:

Phan, L., ThiLoan, N., Quyen, L., Quan, D., Phuong, L., & Hien, N. (2024). Application of RT-PCRfor Detection of InfectiousbronchitisDisease in Laying Hens in Some Northern Provinces of Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(9), 1387–1394.

Application of RT-PCRfor Detection of InfectiousbronchitisDisease in Laying Hens in Some Northern Provinces of Vietnam

Le Van Phan (*) 1 , Nguyen ThiLoan 2, 3 , Le Dinh Quyen 4 , Duong Hong Quan 5 , Le Huynh Thanh Phuong 2 , Nguyen Ba Hien 2

  • 1 Khoa Thú y, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Khoa Thú y,Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 3 Công ty cổ phần tập đoàn DABACO
  • 4 Công ty TNHH MTV AVAC Việt Nam
  • 5 Trường đại họcDuy Tân, thành phố Đà Nẵng
  • Keywords

    Chicken, infectious bronchitis, infectious bronchitis virus, RT-PCR, Vietnam


    Infectious bronchitis (IB) is one of the severe infectious disease causing tremendous economic losses in the poultry industry. In order to have an effective strategy for disease prevention and control, a method for rapid and accurate dectection of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is urgently needed. In this study, the tissue samples oflung, trachea and kidney collected from IB-suspected laying hens in three hen farms in Hanoi (Ba Vi District), Thai Nguyen and Bac Ninh have been diagnosed by the RT-PCR method. The diagnostic results showed that 34/71 (47,88%) samples were positive with the IBV.The common clinical signs ofIBV-infected hens included fever, depression, loss ofappetite,dyspnea, coughing, sneezing, tracheal rales, nasal discharge, diarrhea, fluid retention in the abdomen, facial swelling and conjunctivitis. The pathological signs in IBV-infected hensincluded kidney swelling (90%), tracheal hemorrhagea (77.5%), pulmonary hemorrhage and congestion(63,7%), inflammation of airsacculitis (60%) and upper respiratory tract (57,5%). Egg production and quality in IBV-infected laying hensdecreased by 20,7to 43%.


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