Received: 10-11-2015

Accepted: 08-03-2016








How to Cite:

Linh, N. (2024). SOIL ORGANIC MATTER DETERMINATION USING WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(3), 439–450.


Nguyen Van Linh (*) 1

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering, Vietnam National University of Agriculture
  • Keywords

    Gaussian process, spatial prediction, soil organic matter, wireless sensor networks


    The paper addresses the problem of predicting soil organic matter content in an agricultural field using information collected by a low-cost network of mobile, wireless and noisy sensors that can take discrete measurements in the environment. In this context, it is proposed that the spatial phenomenon of organic matter in soil to be monitored is modeled using Gaussian processes. The proposed model then enables the wireless sensor network to estimate the soil organic matter at all unobserved locations of interest. The estimated values at predicted locations are highly comparable to those at corresponding points on a realistic image that is aerially taken by a very expensive and complex remote sensing system.


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