Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and External Factors on ThePropagation of Yellow Flower Camelia from Cuttings

Received: 27-07-2017

Accepted: 11-12-2017








How to Cite:

Viet, N., Huyen, N., & Ha, T. (2024). Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and External Factors on ThePropagation of Yellow Flower Camelia from Cuttings. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(11), 1539–1546. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/1394

Effects of Plant Growth Regulators and External Factors on ThePropagation of Yellow Flower Camelia from Cuttings

Nguyen Van Viet (*) 1 , Nguyen Thi Huyen 1 , Tran Viet Ha 1

  • 1 Trường Đại học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    C. chrysantha, C. flava, C. tamdaoensis, plant cuttings, Cuc phuong yellow flower tea, Tam Dao yellow flower tea


    Yellow flower Camellia spp. are multiple purposeplantsof high economic values. They areused as a nutritious beverage, medicine and ornamental plants.This paper reported theresults of the propagation of three yellow flower camellia species by cuttings. The cuttings were sterilized withBenlat 0.5% for about 15 minutesandthentreated with plant growth regulators for 5 minutesand the results were recorded after 80 daysof experiment. With C. tamdaoensis,cuttings treatment withABT at a concentration of 200 ppm, C. flava and C. chrysanthaof cuttings treatment withβ-indol butyric acid (IBA) at 100 ppm and 150 ppm hadthe survival rate of72.24 - 83.33%, the shootregeneration rate of 71.33 - 83.67%, root formation rate of71.67 - 80.33% and the rooting index of8.39 - 9.77. The apicaland middle cuttings reached the survival rate of 75.67 - 80.33%, the root formation rate of 73.67 - 77.33% and coefficient of root formation was 6.23 - 6.87. With the medium containinggarden soil, rice husks and sand at 2:1:1 ratio, the survival rate and root formation rate were at 78.67 - 87.79% and 72.33 - 76.32%, respectively. Reduction of light by50 % shading resulted inthe survival rate of 87.43- 93.33%. The cutting method wassuitable forpropagatingyellow flower Camelliasfor germplasm conservation and development.


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