Received: 18-04-2017
Accepted: 26-07-2017
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Challenges and Opportunities in Implementation of Reproductive Technologies for Livestock Industry in Vietnam
Livestock industry, reproductive technologies, Vietnam
The growing of world population and the increasing demand for meat and milk in the coming decades are posing challenges for the development of livestock industry in developing countries, including Vietnam. In this article we l briefly outlinedthe actual trends of application of reproductive technologies for the development of livestock industry in the 21 century,the current status of research and application of embryo transfer, in vitrofertilization, embryo sexing, cell and embryo cryopreservation and somatic cloning technique for both aspects of animal breeding and animal biodiversity conservation in Vietnam. By evaluating and analyzing the limitations of technology application due to the conditions of small-scale animal husbandry, the authors discussedthe necessary strategy for the further successful implementation of reproductive technologies.
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